I love the snow. Especially when I have a little time off and I don't need to go anywhere.
But, during this Christmas season I can't help but wonder what it must have been like that night, over 2,000 years ago, when Christ our Saviour was born. What was the weather like in Bethlehem? Was it cold? Was Mary afraid? How old was she? Women married young back then and she and Joseph were not yet married, so it is likely that she was what we consider a young girl. A child herself, really.
And there she was. In a foreign city, with her husband to be, about to give birth to Jesus. There was no doctor, no hospital, not even a bed. There was no demerol and no epidural, either. She probably didn't have the opportunity to attend child birth classes, and her mother couldn't be there. And rather than being pampered as a mother to be, she spent the day riding into town on a donkey.
It couldn't have been easy - but it was all a part of God's plan.
After all, her son, the Christ child was to become the Saviour of the World. The Sacrificial Lamb of God that took on the burden of our sins.
The LAMB of God was born and He alone is why we celebrate this wonderful Christmas Season!
(AND - I have a new nativity set. I got a Fisher Price Nativity that can be set low for Grace and any future grandchildren to play with. I wanted a completely 'accessible' Jesus. One that never needs to be placed out of reach. And one that will teach the Reason for the Season for years to come)
I like the nativity! You should have bought more :-)