Merry CHRISTmas!
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men. Luke 2:14
Me.... personally, I am feeling very grateful this CHRISTmas season! I am expecting to have my husband, all of my children and all of my grandchildren under one roof enjoying the day together.
What could be better?

This Nativity Ornament was a gift.... given to me by my father in law last CHRISTmas! It had belonged to my mother in law who we lost in November of 2008. It now hangs in a prominent place on my CHRISTmas tree.... a constant reminder of her.... and of the REAL meaning of this wonderful blessed season!
Thank you, Bill!
I challenge you to read Luke 2 and think back to that first CHRISTmas! Where would be be if God had not sent His son?
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