Remember Millie?

If you follow my blog you should be getting pretty familiar with her.

I did her engagement pictures about a year ago.

And then, I did her bridals! And - I have to say, this one is just stunning!

I love the playful, carefree look of this one, too!
And then - I did her wedding photos!

Millie and Ryan were married on July 10, 2010.

Braylon was her Ring Bearer and he did a wonderful job!

The wedding was perfect!

Millie and Ryan were united in marriage and off they went on their honeymoon!
And - early this year, Millie came in for Maternity Pictures!

She's just as beautiful as a Mother To Be as she was as a Bride!

Oh.... the Anticipation!
Who will he look like?
Will he be healthy?
Will he be cute?

Yes, Yes, and Yes!

I'm not sure who he looks like, but whoever it is, they must be gorgeous!

He kind of reminds me of his Daddy, here!

And he looks like his Momma, here!
So, I'm not sure who he looks like. But, he sure is BEAUTIFUL!
His name is Brycen James Leland Smith
and here is his Hello Baby slideshow:
To see his slideshow at full resolution go HERE
He is a beautiful little boy!