Gina came in for a maternity session and wanted to wear her husband's uniform!

We also used his dog tags, which Baby Aubrey could feel. She let us know she could feel them by trying to kick them off of Momma's tummy! The dog tags are fairly light and not that big, so Aubrey must have a great sense of touch! She'll probably love cuddling!

And that will be quite all right. As you can see her Mommy is already in love with her, so she's going to have lots of opportunites to snuggle!

Isn't Gina beautiful pregnant?

Her husband Jordan and her daughter Lenae came in for pictures, too! I'll post pictures of Lenae soon. She's such a cutie, I think she needs a post of her own!

And her is Aubrey's name written in blocks on Gina's pooched out tummy! When Gina lays flat her belly isn't quite round enough for this shot, so I had her pooch it outa little. Pooched out it is quite perfect, don't you think?
Isn't Aubrey a cute name? I love these pictures...I don't think there is anything much more beatiful than a pregnant woman...especially a young, in-love one! Can't wait to see big sissy Lenae! xo Diana