Monday, July 4, 2011

The Greatest Show On Earth!

Last Sunday, we went to the circus!And since our area is in a burn ban and fireworks (even public displays) have been banned as a precaution, this is about the closest we will get to seeing fireworks this year.Grace LOVES the circus. Especially, the jugglers. We went to a small circus not too long ago and she is still talking about the man that juggled, and telling us what all he juggled. And Barney's Circus DVD is her favorite!She really REALLY likes the character on Barney who has the Mighty Muscles. So, at the All Access Pre-Show we introduced her to the Strong Man and she suddenly became a bit shy!
I thought it was cute!
And - there's a lesson to be learned here!
When confronted by any sort of stronghold, we should all snuggle up to our heavenly Father for safety - just as Gracie is snuggled up to her Daddy in this picture.
But - that's a lesson for another day!
These are Human Firecrackers!
So - we got to see fireworks after all!And the elephants - which we learned are pachyderms! Grace like elephants and chose an elephant as her souveneer.
The lion tamer!
Why do they call the man who works with TIGERS a LION TAMER?And Gracie on the elephant's perch during the pre-show. She's pretending to be an elephant. See-she's even sticking out her trunk!This elephant is Kelly Ann. Kelly Ann is very talented. Here, she is painting a picture of the audience!A friendly clown! The tall man giving Grace a high five!A funny looking wheel!These reminded me of the Shishi Dogs we used to see in Japan!And after it was all over Grace got to spend the night with me - Grandma! Here she is after her bath with her favorite blanket, her clown hat and her own little Kelly Ann watching the circus again on DVD! This girl can't seem to get enough of the circus!

1 comment:

  1. The Greatest Show On Earth highlighted by some of The Greatest Pictures On Earth! GREAT photos...I have not been to a circus in years!!! xo Diana
